Friday, January 20, 2012

Tell Me Again What Vacation Is For

So, I've been off work this week, a break I needed desperately. We spent the first weekend in big t-town, finishing the move of all the rest of my mom's spider-infested (ok, maybe not infested, but certainly inhabited) crap that she can't live without. The effects of neglect on the house are depressing. I cried, and i think Scott felt pretty helpless right then. Well, so did I.

And on Sunday night, my eye, which has been just kind of bugging me for a few weeks, decided to rear its ugly head. I was confined to the world's most uncomfortable recliner for most of the week, unable to focus and unable to eat (which wasn't a bad thing, necessarily). Two doctor trips later, I am functioning again. It's Friday. My vacation is over. Cuss word.

One good thing: I was feeling well enough to cart Stefanie (aka Superfit) to have her knee scoped. So here I sit, tapping out words with one hand on the iPad while she feasts on the good drugs. My eye is sore (put down the iPad, dummy) but I'm happy to be out and about on this beautiful day.

Tomorrow, I'm buying a piggy bank. Maybe I'll blog about it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Fogelson Ln,Dallas,United States

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